Membranes have been identified as one of the key components for various consumer related applications for fuel cells, e.g. automobiles, back-up power, portable power etc. Due to its application for many consumer markets, the technology keeps on evolving to make these membranes suitable for longer duration, and even high temperature operations.
- FuMA-Tech Membranes
- Sustainion® Membranes
- Orion Polymer Membranes
- Xergy™ Membranes
- Solvay Aquivion®
- PFSA Membranes
- Anion Exchange Membranes
- Cation Exchange Membranes
- Bipolar Membranes
- Nafion™ Beads
- Nafion™ Tubing
- Porex
- Membrane Pre-Cleaning Separator Sheets
- Solvay Aquivion® PFSF Pellets
- Solvay Aquivion® PFSA Powders
- Versogen AEMs
- Chlor-alkali Production Membranes